Tutorial Modelagem e Material de Tecido TRICOT

Por: AlbertoMaciel  

Em: 08/08/2018 23:00

Segue um tutorial que fiz de como modelar um tecido e criar seu material de tricot utilizando o 3ds max e Marvelous designer!

Espero ter ajudado.

Responderei TODAS as perguntas e dúvidas! ;)

link pra download das texturas, na descrição do vídeo do youtube!

ps* o "compozáite" (pronúncia de composite) é mania de falar, de tanto que tirávamos sarro de um amigo no escritório que eu trabalhava, acabei me acostumando com essa pronúncia abrasileirada! hahaha


A Render Legion lançou um Daily Build do Corona Renderer a pouco (9:19) que aplica o Nvidia Optix, denoiser em tempo real.

Quem tem a versão paga do plugin pode baixar o daily build aqui: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mswauuv1afec8am/AAA5OKrd_QujokDM3mxQ7S40a?preview=Corona_2018-08-09.exe

Ainda não tem nenhum vídeo ou imagem ilustrativo da função e a Render Legion pede que não se faça isso sem a autorização dos mesmos, por isso também resolvi não fazer, mas o daily build pode ser instalado para quem tem o Corona regular, como disse acima.

A lista completa de implementações desse daily build:

Ou abaixo.



  • Changed behavior of installer when Corona is already installed.
    • Previously when some component (e.g. 3ds Max 2017 plugin) was installed and newer installer was run, when you deselected this component in the custom installation, it meant that this component will be left installed in the previous version.
    • The new behavior is that deselecting an already installed component will uninstall it.
    • This allows easier uninstallation of selected components (just run the installer and deselect those) and also prevents mixing incompatible versions of various Corona files.
  • New (experimental) light solver improvements:
    • Improved sampling of translucent objects
    • Fixed inefficient sampling when the shading normal differs significantly from the geometry normal
    • Fixed square artifacts that appeared when non-physical lights (invisible or transparent lights) are used in the scene
    • IR restarts with the new light solver are now significantly faster.
  • Added NVIDIA AI denoiser support
    • The AI denoiser can be selected as the final denoising mode in the Scene tab in render settings. In this mode, the rendered image is denoised with each VFB refresh.
    • The AI denoiser can also be enabled separately just for IR in the performance tab in render settings.
    • The new denoiser is an optional component in the installer and requires additional download by the installer similar to the material library. This component is pre-selected when an NVIDIA GPU is detected on the computer.
  • Smaller changes and features
    • Corona now requires SSE4.1 CPU for all tools (including licensing server)
    • Licensing and DR servers are now 64-bit applications
    • In viewport, scatter is now able to toggle the instance color between the original object wire color and the scatter object color.
  • Misc fixes
    • Fixed inferior pixel randomization of the image sampler (bug introduced in the previous daily build)
    • Fixed IR not restarting when render elements were modified
    • Fixed non-filtered render elements not being correctly rendered in IR
    • Fixed scatter object densities and frequencies not working with undo/redo
    • Fixed undo/redo not working with various object lists in Corona UI - scatter instance/distribution objects, material override exclude list, etc.
    • LightMix now properly works with lights having “Occlude other lights” disabled
    • Fixed diffuse texture being visible in reflection render element when non-physical lights are used
    • Minimized problem of installer progress log window blinking when downloading additional pack files
Muito linda, obrigada.
Oi Alberto, tudo bem?

Eu agradeço muito por este ótimo vídeo tutorial que postou.
As texturas que criou estão muito boas e a imagem final também ficou linda, parabéns.

Nós estamos precisando produzir um novo curso de Marvelous para vender aqui no site e você parece ser um bom professor, se tiver interesse me envie um email no endereço [email protected]

Abração e tudo de bom.

André Vieira

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