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Don't worry be happy!!!

Por: Renan  

Em: 12/04/2008 20:09

How embromation! He speak like a child!
Hauhauhauhauahuahu! You guys are CRAZY!!! Hauhuahauhauhau!! Thank you for all comments. I'll put this smiley in a scene. Hugs.
Hello everyone! I made now a very happy smiley. C&C please! :D Hugs.
Wth is going on in this topic? Why english anyway? Wo hen xihuan zhougouwen! Nice image anywayzzz...
Spiegel "Wo hen xihuan zhougouwen", which one language is this???
Hello 3d1`s people ... good evening to all! huahuahuahua!! :) renankogut: Boy doll that this very great really.I liked of materials and even funny your ilumination.Vey thought that was the modeling despite being quite simple ... Congratulations! ;) huahuahua Well, everybody is talking in English then me decided to talk too because your are very happy....huahuahua! "FORCE AND ALWAY`S COURAGE"... huahuahauahu :-P 8:)
Hello everyone! That's my last topic writing in english. Is so boring. :? :00: My new up has a new smiley. :-P Hugs.
Ok, let's comment your scene... hehehehe It's very simple, by the way, it's very fun, I've liked your smileys, but the scene is little noise, you know? And if you increase the AA value, it'll be better... I guess!!! And the white is too white... Hugs!
Site sendo reformulado!!!
Hello everyone! Ok, ok, i'll continue to speak english in this topic. :D In this up i've just ajusted the AA parameters, to reduce the noise. Therefore i ajusted the white. C&C always! Hahauhauhau :D Hugs.
Ola pessoal da 3d1...boa noite a todos!! :) renankogut: ola renan! tudo bem? sobre a sua cena realmente ela teve uma melhora significativa meu amigo; essa sua ultima postagem ficou show de bola... ;) A unica coisa que mexeria era somente o rejunte da sua cerâmica que esta me parecendo meio alta; mas isso e so um detalhe mínimo que perto das suas bolotas amarelas ficaram bem legais.Parabéns cara pela imagem...abraços e desculpe ter demorado para comentar... ;) "FORCA E CORAGEM SEMPRE"...

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