Quadro 5010m não tem suporte para o 3ds max. Não comprem!!!

Por: LeandroM  

Em: 11/05/2012 01:11

Olá povo da 3d1.

Ando meio sumido aqui do fórum a tempos, mas resolvi dar uma passada aqui para dar o meu relato que pode ser util a todos.

Recentemente adquiri um notebook com a quadro 5010m e para a minha supresa, não existe o 3ds max performance driver (maxtreme) para ela.

Achei ridículo isso, sendo que ela é a placa top de linha para notebooks.

Abaixo está a conversa que tive com o suporte técnico da nvidia:

Customer Leandro Martins via CSS Web 05/07/2012 02:06 PM

Quadro 5010m don´t have 3ds Max Performance Driver?

Auto-Response 05/07/2012 02:06 PM

The following answers might help you immediately. (Answers open in a separate window.)

Title: Why aren?t there any Performance Drivers for AutoCAD 2012?
Link: http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3106

Title: POWERdraft 2007 compatibility with AutoCAD 2007
Link: http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1994

Title: How can I perform a silent install of the GPU driver?
Link: http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2985

Title: Which NVIDIA graphics cards will support the Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Mercury Playback Engine?
Link: http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2608

Title: Potential issues with graphics driver 196.75
Link: http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2546

Response Cindy via Email 05/08/2012 09:37 AM

Hello Leandro,

That is correct. The Quadro 5010M does not have 3ds Max Performance Drivers.


NVIDIA Customer Support

Customer Leandro Martins via CSS Web 05/08/2012 05:38 PM

Thanks for the answer

3ds max performance driver will not be released in future for this quadro?

I just purchased a notebook just to come with this quadro, and could buy a desktop quadro.

This quadro card is top to notebooks and should have a support and drivers like the others.



Response Cindy via Email 05/09/2012 12:14 PM

Hello Leandro,

Please tell me what version of 3ds Max you are using.


NVIDIA Customer Support

Customer Leandro Martins via CSS Web 05/09/2012 12:47 PM

Hello Cindy,

I have 3ds max 2010 and I will buy the 2013 next week. I will use both

I just bought quadro 5010m for my viewport support more polygons and vrayproxyies.



Response Cindy via Email 05/09/2012 02:46 PM

Hello Leamdro,

Thank you for the additional information. The 3ds Max Performance Drivers were never available for laptops.

For your laptop and the desktop that you plan on getting, you can use a plug in named iray that will use the GPU (CUDA) for acceleration.

Click on the link below for more information on iray:

I cannot tell you what will be available for support on the 2013 version of 3ds Max.

You can see the list of drivers that Autodesk certified for their software and the NVIDIA hardware.

Click on the link below to see this list:


NVIDIA Customer Support

Customer Leandro Martins via CSS Web 05/09/2012 05:01 PM

Hello Cindy,

Why then on the link below has 3ds max performance driver for the quadro fx 3800 notebook serie?

The nvidia site is wrong?


Else, Iray and vrayrt are renderers and do nothing to viewport. They still have many bugs and are not intended for professional jobs. Vrayrt does not render proxies, so I\'m still dependent on conventional rendering by cpu.

I work with architecture and landscape in 3ds max since version 4, and I was always interested in my viewport quadro to accelerate, especially in scenes with several towers and many trees, vegetation and complex textures. During production of the scenes is very important to have a quick viewport.

Too bad the lag when you\'re spreading the vegetation for example.

Anyway. I hope that due attention for quadro notebooks. The notebook workstation market has increased.

I bought a clevo with quadro 5010m, intel i7 3930k (yes, they are using desktop cpu) and 32gb of ram. Except for the fact that my quadro does not seem as professional as well, I have a notebook that is much better than desktop workstation.

I think it\'s very precarious information about the advantages of quadro on the geforce in the 3ds max. And worse still talking about the advantages of quadro desktop on the quadro notebook.

Nvidia not have the ability to create a 3dsmax performance driver for quadro notebook?

This is very funny to report to the various forums in the world of computer graphics.

I\'m very disappointed.

Anyway, thank you for your attention.

Leandro Martins.

Response Cindy via Email 05/10/2012 03:06 PM

Hello Leandro,

I apologize for misspelling your name.

Actually, you are right. For some reason I was thinking of the GeForce based notebooks..

I do understand the difference between rendering and viewport but unfortunately as mentioned, there is no Performance driver available for 3ds Max for the Quadro 5010M. I do realize how important it is.


NVIDIA Customer Support

Customer Leandro Martins via CSS Web 05/10/2012 08:35 PM

No problem Cindy. Many people for other countries are confused with my name, and my English is not so good :P

But anyway, I ask for software engineering at NVIDIA to develop the drivers for quadro notebook series, because many users of 3dsmax are migrating to high-performance notebooks, and if the nvidia makes the best video card for notebooks, she should have the same respect that the quadro for desktop.

Is not possible to be so hard to produce this driver, do not you think?


Leandro Martins
Abração Té+
Isso não é exclusividade da tua placa, a nvidia parou de fazer o performance driver, tanto que nunca saiu a versão pro max 2012. Falta colocarem essa informação bem clara no site e também treinar melhor esses atendentes que parecem robôs repetindo frases sem realmente informar nada.
Não sei se tem relação mas eu tenho uma quadro 2000 e eu baixei um drive de performance para o 3D Max no site deles e está rodando muito bem.
Se eu estiver fora do assunto é que eu li muito rápido, heheheheh
Verdade hein fla3d....será que esses drivers eram defeituosos???

achei ridícula essa posição deles, alias...pensei q suporte ruim era exclusividade de empresas pequenas e países subdesenvolvidos...e pelo visto não é...uahuhauhuahua

Fernando, qual versão do max vc usa??? chegou a fazer algum comparativo com o driver normal da quadro??? Nas configurações do max onde vc escolhe o driver aparece o maxtreme???

De qualquer maneira, peço a todos que ajudem a espalhar esse fato, pois só assim para a nvidia tomar uma posição sobre o caso, que é do interesse de muitos.
Abração Té+
Eu estou usando o 3D Max 2012 e acabou que eu não cheguei a fazer um comparativo para ver se funcionava mais rápido. Sobre esse maxtreme eu não cheguei a olhar, vou procurar.
Eu concordo plenamente que as placas da linha quadro deveriam ter um tratamento especial pois são uma linha profissional, e pelo preço que pagamos o suporte deveria ser bem melhor.
Depois que a Autodesk colocou a Viewport com o Nitrous, não precisou mais de performance drivers para o Max. Este driver só existia devido a viewport não ser tão otimizada para as Quadros de forma nativa do sistema. Diferente do que ocorre com o Maya, XSI, etc, estes de forma nativa já davam um suporte as Quadros. Com a Viewport Nitrous isto acabou acontecendo com o Max também, que convenhamos, é bem melhor do que ficar instalando drivers externos para poder ter performance.

Então, não se preocupe, você está com uma excelente placa de video e que tem suporte agora nativo, digamos assim, a ela. E uma coisa interessante, na resposta do Suporte, eles disseram que NUNCA teve Performance Driver do Max para placas Quadro mobile.

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